7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

79 - Help Sales Find Content They Need



At B2B Marketing Exchange, a fellow marketer, Matt, asked me “Pam, what tools do you recommend providing the sales team with updated content? They are always asking where I go to find X or Y?” I know… It’s hard. For sales to find any content, it’s easier for them just ask marketing directly. We’ll tell them, anyway. There are many ways to address this, but three options have worked well for me: Upload content to a sales content management library Make sure that you have a sales-centric content library that only salespeople use. Upload your content there, tag them well by-products, geos, keywords, technologies and other categories so that it’s easy for salespeople to search. Nowadays, some platforms offer auto-tagging which makes content marketers’ job easy. When you source tools, you should check if they offer that feature. Typical content management library platforms are Highspot, Showpad, Seismic, Attach and more. Some tech companies have built their own content management library for both direct and indire