7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

62 - Simple sales enablement tips to implement as a marketer



Joann asked me for some quick and easy sales enablement tricks that marketers can implement right away. Well, this is such a basic question, but there is no quick answer. It really depends… It depends on your marketing jobs and your interactions with the sales team. Your roles and responsibilities will guide how you support your sales team. The best way to start is to have a clear understanding of how you support your sales team and find ways to optimize the process or your support efforts. If you are an event manager, you probably coordinate with your sales team on how to divide and conquer on the show floor. You know salespeople’s challenges are to gather as many leads as possible. To better support them, it’s your job to come up with creative ideas to draw the crowd to your booth. What can you do to drive more foot traffic to the booth? So understand how you support your sales team and find ways to do it better. Another way to better support sales is to understand their challenges. Obviously, we can’t do t