7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

54 - Marketing and Depression



My son, Joey, was a high school leadership camp counselor this summer. He managed about 30 high schoolers during the two 10-day over-night camp sessions, so it was about 15 kids per session. He came home when these two sessions were over. I picked him up from the airport. He looked physically and mentally exhausted but in good spirits. So, on the way home, he was talking to me about the camp. I asked him what is the biggest takeaway from being a counselor? I sound like a podcast interviewer. He described his take away in two words: parenting and depression. Depression? Was he depressed? No. He explained it to me. He said that he learned a lot about parenting. Well, he was a quasi-parent for these high schoolers for 20 some days. Since this was a leadership conference, they did personality, or team building exercises to help them discover who they are and what their strengths/weaknesses are.  Through these exercises, kids need to start look inward and confront some of the emotional issues that they possess but