7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

47 - Marketing Takeaways from Jeff's Visit



My podcast editor, Jeff Julian, drove his RV all the way to Anaheim from Kansas City to attend Vidcon with his wife, Michelle, and kids, Brandon and Addison. Actually, this is a fun conference. The tagline for Vidcon is ‘For people who love and make online video’. Frankly, this conference is packed with tons of YouTube celebrities. It’s really a venue that allows young millennial and Generation Z fans to meet their YouTube stars. Such a cool idea to link fans and YouTube celebrities together, why didn’t I think of that? Anyway, as the whole family is already on the West Coast, they might as well drive all the way to Portland to see Pam, right? It’s only 980 some miles. And he did. It was wonderful to see Jeff, Michelle, and their kids. Since I did several podcasts about marketing takeaways from my visits to Lima, Macchu Picchu, Chatsworth Manor in England, Jeff was joking about me doing a podcast about his visit. Of course, I am going to do an episode to commemorate his visit. So, what is my marketing take aw