7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

44 - Repurpose Content to a Different Format



I discussed repurposing, repackaging and reusing content at one of my workshops a couple of weeks ago. One attendee posed this question: “So, can I just take the same blog post we wrote and use it as a script for our podcast? Can I just consolidate 5 case studies into one big eBook?” Well, yes and no.  In general, the answer is NO. Let me talk about this a little more. The essence of repurposing, repackaging and reusing your content is to repurpose, repackage and reuse the core idea of your content, not to copy exactly from one format to another. Here is how I do it from my own experience: I recently did a keynote in Europe.  The title of the keynote was “Humans vs. Machines. Is Content Marketing Doomed?”  I created a 60 slide, image-rich presentation. It had a nice opening and closing with plenty of AI-based marketing examples in the middle. I started with “Good morning!  What comes to your mind when you think of Humans vs. Machines?” When I decided to convert my presentation to a blog post, my opening neede