7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

19 - What are the Skillsets Required for Modern Marketers?



Every week, I’ll pick one marketing question and attempt to address it with actionable takeaways in 7 minutes or less. So send me your questions. I want to help you take on your marketing challenges. This week, I have the following question from Benjamin. He asked:  “What digital roles/skills/capacities focus areas will large brands need to master in order to effectively market to today's customers and provide great customer experiences?” Ok, that’s a loaded question! I remember a discussion with my VP when I was in the corporate world: “Should a future marketer be a generalist or a specialist? Should the marketer focus on having a general understanding of each marketing discipline or drill down to be an expert in a specific field?” My take on this. I want to talk about from the perspectives of technologies. When technologies get involved, things get complicated. A natural force will gently nudge us to specialize in a specific marketing field. Think about the evolution of computers: back in the 80’s, computer