7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

15 - The Purpose of Content Marketing is About EIEIU or CEBIEIU



Every week, I’ll pick one marketing question and attempt to address it with actionable take-aways in 7 minutes or less.  So send me your questions. I want to help you take on your marketing challenges.   I was speaking at Social Media Strategies Summit recently and decided to pop into my friend Mike Brown’s workshop to say “hi”.  I learned a new term from Mike that day (via Kodi Foster at Viacom): E.I.E.I.U. He said that the content we create should fit in the EIEIU categories: Entertainment, Inspiration, Education, Information, Utility. He is very clever to coin the term EIEIU. Your content needs to make your customers feel that they receive tangible or intangible value. By classifying your content in this way, you’re able to understand what kind of value your audience might get out of it – tangible or intangible.  It doesn’t mean that every piece of content needs to be Entertaining, Inspirational, Educational and Informational all at once. If you look at all of the content you create, chances are you have a