7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

11 - Making a living as an independent consultant



Question: Hey Pam, how do you make a living as a personal consultant? - TOM Answers: If you ask different independent consultants, you’ll get different answers  But for me, here are the 4 categories of my revenue stream: Speaking - Speaking opportunities at conferences. People reach out to me organically via my website. Teaching- I teach an online course at West Virginia University. It’s a lot of work and doesn’t pay a lot, but I really enjoy it. Consulting - Marketing planning and execution. I work with clients and help them create marketing plans. I also work with them to implement tactics such as email marketing content creation or campaign execution. Another aspect of consulting is facilitation, I facilitate workshops and do 3-6hrs workshop focusing on ‘how-tos’ and setting up the processes of content and digital marketing Coaching - I receive requests from young marketing professionals who reach out to me via Linkedin.  I give advice on their career planning or work with them on marketing plans I’ve be