7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

8 - Marketing Plan 2-pager: Part 2



Topic: Marketing Plan 2-pager: Part 2 Senior executives are very busy. They may not be 100% up-to-date about your plans. Before presenting a marketing plan, it’s important to have a two-page summary to guide them and get them up to speed.  The 1st slide of the summary contains: Sales goals Business objectives Marketing objectives Marketing Strategies The 2nd slide of the summary includes: Personas Marketing Tactics Success Metrics Personas: It’s a marketer’s job to determine personas for marketing outreach. Different product divisions have different personas. You can’t support them all. You need to prioritize based on your limited budget and resources. So identify the appropriate personas that you want to reach to drive revenue. Be able to articulate why you chose the ones you did as opposed to others.   Tactics: these are specific actions and deliverables which need to be accomplished to support objectives. Here are some examples of how objectives, strategy and tactics are tied together: MKT objective: