7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

6 - Gut vs. Data when making marketing decisions



The question of the day: Should I listen to the data or my gut when it’s time to make marketing decisions? Here are some thoughts that I want to share with you: For anything Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and search related, I tend to follow the data.  I make an effort to understand the keyword lists and how my audience searches and use the data to guide content creation.  However, I don’t let keyword and search dictate my writing or creative approach. For that, I follow my gut, then I use AB testing to validate my gut decision. To buy facebook ads or not buy Facebook ads, that is the question. At a conference I attended, an agency was promoting their Facebook campaign app. They noted that, with over 2B people on Facebook, the people you want to reach are there and it’s just a matter of finding them and reaching out to them with relevant content, creative copywriting and strong calls-to-action. They even had data to back it up. I think they are right to some extent.  But you need to consider whether FB is a