Surviving Sarah

Episode 70: Brittany Price



Brittany Price joins me for Episode 70 This is one gorgeous girl both inside and out. Jesus just exudes out of her. We talk about surviving the death of her husband--how she found herself as a widow at age 25 with 3 boys under the age of 3. We talk about surrender and how to trust as you walk through the darkness. I was so inspired and encouraged by her. God doesn't always call us to walk through the rose garden. Sometimes He leads us through the darkness. There are some things that we can't choose, but we can choose our response. We can choose how we see the circumstances around us. I will tell you that, I was challenged by that with some difficult circumstances surrounding me. And I want to kick and scream. And its okay to kick and scream, but when God tugs at your heart & asks you to obey even though its not comfortable or easy, the best response is surrender. What did you enjoy about this episode? What was your takeaway. Let's continue the conversation  on Instagram or Twitter or you can send me an em