Surviving Sarah

Episode 55: Merica Stum



My friend, Merica Stum, joins me for the last episode of 2016--Episode 55. Merica is one of my favorite people and hands down the best cheerleader I know. She is a married to Jake and they have 3 boys. She is the Director of Girls On The Run for Southeast TN. I wanted to have her on the show nearly a year ago to talk about adoption and running a small business, but instead I knew she would be the perfect person to talk to about looking back and looking forward. Merica joins me to talk about what she has learned this past year through turning 40--what she has learned about herself, about life and about family. This truly feels like a conversation between friends. And we will change your life with great advice about grocery shopping. So pull up a chair to my kitchen table and join the conversation. Click here for links and notes for everything we chatted about.