Surviving Sarah

Episode 48: Jill Gott-Gleason



Jill Gott-Gleason joins me for Episode 48. I can't remember how I stumbled upon Jill, but I about 6 or 7 years ago I found her blog--Good Life For Less. She was one of the first fashion bloggers that I followed. I have always loved that she is like the everyday girl. Her content is always practical and helpful--she's not suggesting that I purchase a pair of shoes for $2000. In addition to being a blogger, she is a wife and mom to two tweens. We talk about where fashion and faith intersect; she gives practical fashion tips for the winter season; and how to handle social media. And if you do any type of business online, you definitely want to hear her 7 tips on how to grow your business in the nooks & crannys of life. So, pull up a chair and join us at the table. Check out for details about this episode.