Warrior Week

THE MAN WITH THE CHECK | Warrior Week | EP 055



Warrior Week 43 graduate, Franco Cabral, is Coach Sam’s special guest in this week’s episode of Warrior Week: Parables from the Pit. Franco’s fascinating story is one filled with twists and turns of the miraculous kind and is certain to ignite the fire of inspiration & change within you. Parable #1: Painful Reality A graduate of Warrior Week 43, Franco was initially introduced to Warrior at the beginning of 2016 by a friend with whom he hadn’t connected for nine years. WarriorCon1 was the first event he attended and it was there that he discovered the painful reality of the facts of his life. It was during a special meditation that Franco was able to take a step back and look at where he really was in life, asking himself the questions: Is this what I really want? Do I really want to continue being ‘that’ guy? Would I share these facts with my daughter? QUESTION Do you really want to continue being ‘that’ guy, the man who runs from the facts of his life?   Parable #2: The Mirror After Franco’s wake-u