Warrior Week

I Did Not QUIT, Daddy | Warrior Week | Ep 048



It’s father and son time in this week’s special edition of the Warrior Week podcast where Coach Sam and his nine-year-old son, Nickon, engage in a conversation about life and the life lessons they have been learning together. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Parable #1: The Hike When Nickon was six years old, he and his father went on a four-mile hike in the mountains, an outing that proved to be quite rigorous for Nickon. His six-year-old feet were tired, he was crying, and he didn’t want to go on. But he did go on and was SO happy he hadn’t given up. At the tender age of six, Nickon learned an important lesson that day that no matter what, you never quit – even if you’re tired, even if it seems too hard, even if you’re hurting – you just keep going. QUESTION Where in your world have you wanted to quit but persevered instead? What was the outcome of that decision?   Parable #2: Learning Through Experience In order to experience the lessons of life, one