New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

138: Swim in Your Own Lane



I am on my way to Phoenix, AZ for a conference, but before I left for the week I wanted to make sure that I sat in and shared this topic which I've had on the mind for the last couple of weeks.  During the 2016 summer Olympics, there was a big rivalry between olympic swimmer Michael Phelps had some other dude from South Africa. Tensions were high during the last race that would win Michael Phelps his 23 gold medal before retirement and the South African dude was determined to make sure that he did not win. The most iconic picture of that race is of the South African looking over 2 lanes at Michale Phelps during the last round to see how close Michael was ahead of him. Needless to say, Michael Phelps was focused on the goal at hand and on what he had to do.  Do I have to tell you how this ends? Michael goes not o win gold and the South African came in third place. This story is very synonymous with how some of us approach entrepreneurship.  On this episode of the show I discuss my own struggle with swimming in