New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

124: Income Inequality: A Love Story



[TweetThis] In his latest podcast episode @Hector_Avellan says #incomeinequality is a beautiful thing and proof the American Dream is still alive!@ Last week on the show I talked about the basket case that is the Democratic Socialist state of Venezuela! The government there has succeeded in destroying the free-market entries system and capitalism is practically nonresistant. Like any true socialist state, the government there has ceased all of the land, industries, and resources - it controls all of the means of production.  People in Venezuela are miserable. Many are going hungry, the poorest people are literally starving and dying int the streets. Many have none of the basic necessities and a hot meal at this point is a luxury.  What I believe Venezuela needs is less income equality, which has resulted in completely misery for all, and more Income Inequality. In this episode, I explain why Venezuela needs more income inequality and why we need to reject the ideas by the "Left" that income inequality is thre