New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

119: Confirmed! Government Is The Reason College Tuitions Are Sky Rocketing



[TweetThis] Confirmed! Gvmt is solely to blame for the drastic increase in college tuition through student loan debt subsidies. NewClassRising #podcast In late 2012, I released my first book De-CLASS-ified: The Fall of the Middle Class and Rise of the Internet Entrepreneur. In that book, I made a pretty bold claim that, in fact, it was Government who was responsible for the incredible increase in college tuitions.  Sure, I didn't expect that a lot of people would agree with me, but I knew I was on to something and it looks like I have been proven right by a pair of economists. In this episode, I share a reading from a section in my book and give commentary on the why the ensuing student debt bubble and how I believe is the only way this bubble will collapse. Liked this Episode? Tell me on twitter @Hector_Avellan with #NCR119 AND Leave me a rating on on iTunes! Here's a video to show you how from your iPhone.