New Class Rising With Hector Avellaneda

031: The Dollar Hits a BRICS Wall!



The FIFA World Cup is over but the news coming out of Brazil is still hot!  Last week (Jul-2014) the BRICS Nations announced the official establishment of what they are calling the 'New Development Bank'. This Bank was created to rival the IMF and the World Bank that exist today that were created as a result of the Bretton Woods System that enacted the U.S Dollar as Reserve Currency of the World. By doing this the BRICS Nations have made a HUGE statement - they want out of the dollar and they aren't going to wait around for the 'West' to make it happen! This has huge ramifications for the future of the dollar as the Reserve Currency of the World and for those that can see it, the writing is on the wall.  In this episode I am going to explain why you should care! The BRICS Nations are sending a clear message to the World! They want out of the U.S Dollar #NewClassRising #031 with @Hector_Avellan [TweetThis] Hit Me Up Follow-me: @Hector_Avellan The Blog: