Very Very Far Away

Live #11 - A reading of "The Ascent" a play by Ilona Gaynor - VVFA at Sugarhouse studios



The Ascent is written as a four act play, centred around a simulated plane crash that takes place as part of a morale boosting training day for the staff of a mid-sized American law firm. It was written as parable comedy about the ecosystems of power, and attempts to examine the nature of class politics; looking through the lens of the contemporary workplace from multiple vantage points. The four acts become increasingly perilous for the passengers inside; leaving them no choice, but to out maneuver one another… and in some case murder one another before they all eventually drown in the conflated margins of time. This work outside of its text consists of a theatre set designed to spatially represent an American Airlines 747 and it’s interior separations of class; accompanied by the play script and a series of movable platforms that simulated fire and water.