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Sarah Sentilles 'Draw Your Weapons'



US Author Sarah Sentilles in conversation with Bri Lee about Sarah's fourth book, 'Draw Your Weapons'. This book is available for purchase here: http://avidreader.com.au/products/draw-your-weapons “Now more than ever, the world needs a book like Draw Your Weapons. With mastery, urgency, and great courage, Sarah Sentilles investigates the histories of art, violence, war, and human survival. In her haunting and absorbing narrative, the act of storytelling, itself, becomes a matter of life and death.”— Ruth Ozeki, author of A Tale for the Time Being How to live in the face of so much suffering? What difference can one person make in this beautiful, imperfect, and imperilled world? In 'Draw Your Weapons', Sarah Sentilles offers an impassioned defence of life lived by peace and principle. Through a dazzling combination of memoir, history, reporting, visual culture, literature and theology, Sentilles tells the true stories of a conscientious objector during World War II and a former prison guard at Abu Ghraib