Shardcast: The Brandon Sanderson Podcast

The Shardkeepers Podcast Episode 1: Q&As



Welcome to the brand-new Shardkeepers Podcast! No, it's not where keep all the shards of glass to ourselves (still, you can't have them, they are our weapons), it's where we, the Sharders, are also the Keepers of knowledge. Like that Terris order, we're here to edjumacate you about... stuff. Or something. I'm not doing a very good job of selling this one. Let's try again. Welcome to Shardkeepers, our theory podcast. If you want theories on the cosmere, you've come to the right place. If you don't want theories, well, you can go, but watch for the shattered glass on the way out. We have Kerry (KChan), David (Windrunner), me, and some other guy! Oh wait, that's Josh (Rubix), not just a talking head. Oops! My mistake! (Sorry Josh, we love you!) Together, we form a theorytastic Voltron which is missing a head, because, hey, you need five for a Voltron. So we're headless, but you know, we have to keep up the Shardcast tradition. On our inaugural episode, we're going to do things a bit differently. We want each