New Wine Revival Church

Vision & Destiny Part 2



The Vision To prepare and equip new wineskins in this generation to receive the new wine that God will drip from the mountains.  His new wine will cause a revival in New York and to all the nations of the world. The Mission Guided by the Holy Spirit we will teach the word of God, and prepare the church in prayer, fasting and spiritual warfare which will open the way to an unprecedented revival that will bring the Kingdom of God to earth manifesting His glory thru miracles, signs, wonders, creative miracles, healings and deliverance.  God will use all communication means (radio, television, internet) conferences and crusades to announce to the world the time of a new beginning. Declaration of Faith We believe there is only one eternal God. We believe in the trinity of God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe in our Lord and savior Jesus Christ as the only way for salvation. We believe in the bible as the infallible word of God, inspire by the Holy Spirit. We believe in the person of the Holy Spi