3 Questions With Bob Evans

Carol Lynn Pearson



Carol Lynn Pearson shot to the top of literary awareness among members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the early 70’s and 80’s. Raised as a Latter-day Saint, she married Gerald Pearson in the Salt Lake City Temple, aware that he was gay, but with both of them thinking it was something that could be overcome with prayer and righteous living. But for all of their best efforts, Gerald’s sexual orientation wouldn’t budge. Recognizing their marriage could not survive, they divorced, and continued to love each other as committed friends. In fact, when Gerald contracted HIV Aids in the early days of that disease’s devastating run, it was Carol Lynn who cared for and nursed him until his dying breath. And thus her book, “Goodbye, I Love You”. Since that time, she has actively encouraged love and understanding for LGBTQ members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. But that’s not all. Despite the Church’s abandonment of polygamy long ago, she has been disturbed by the concept of