3 Questions With Bob Evans

Jennifer Napier-Pearce



In the digital age, newspapers around the country are struggling to make ends meet. Built on the subscription/print advertising business model, community newspapers are watching their vital numbers fall, even as their online audience continues to grow. But monetizing the growing online audience is a challenge, especially when the online “pie” is split in so many, many ways.    It’s especially troublesome when large corporations and investor groups buy up smaller newspapers, and concentrate not on serving the community, but on the bottom line. The sacrificial lamb becomes real journalism, and the public’s interest. Rather than producing stories that hold local business and government leaders accountable, with smaller staffs and fewer resources, newspapers run the risk of having to produce stories that either fit a corporate agenda, or have diminished societal clout.   What is the answer?   FOX 13’s Bob Evans sat down with Salt Lake Tribune Editor Jennifer Napier-Pearce for a 3 Questions interview. See o