First Draft With Sarah Enni

What You Don't Know With Ayana Gray



First Draft Episode #335: Ayana Gray Ayana Gray, debut author of Beasts of Prey, which is being adapted into a Netflix film. Today's episode of First Draft is brought to you by Tonight We Rule the World by Zack Smedley, out from Page Street Publishing on October 5th. And by Revision Season, a seven-week virtual master class in novel revision led by award-winning author Elana K. Arnold. The Fall 2021 Session of Revision Season will run Oct 10 – Nov 28, and enrollment is now open! Links to Topics Mentioned In This Episode: As Told By Ginger (movie) Pete Knapp, literary agent with Park & Fine Literary and Media Stacey Barney, associate publisher of Nancy Paulsen Books Scrivener, writing software Beth Phelan, literary agent with Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency and founder of DiverseVoices Inc., (which is #DVpit / #DVart, DVcon, DVdebut and DVmentor) #MSWL is a twitter hashtag agents and editors use to let writers know what they are looking for. Pitch Wars Circe by Madeline Miller The Ink