Unusually Focused



This episode is a conversation with my friend Nelson Cuadras - from The Daily Practice podcast.I met Nelson through the #randomtalkingvideo community - just as I've met hundreds or thousands of other cool ass people. But Nelson's got some special kind of thing - because not all of those thousands of people have me wondering "hmm I wonder what's up with this dude/chick?"I think it's a combination of these things:1. I compare myself to him on social media because we have similarly sized audiences and many of the same thought-leader friends2. He's got an unfairly good voice for podcasting.3. He seemed to be dealing with similar mental health issues as me4. He has cool people commenting on his stuff5. He has cool guests on his podcast.6. He seemed/s like a genuinely good dude.He does a lot of cool handstands and stuff with his body - but honestly, I don't even care about that. The only reason it's cool to me at all is that he's shown his audience (me) a more inter