Tj Morris Et Radio

Shades of Broken Shane Flannigan, Life Coach - TJ Morris, RT Knight, M D'Amico



Shades of Broken Talk Show Interviews Shane Flannigan - We all have a story and our ACO Press Club likes to interview Authors and Life Coaches. We found someone who fits right in with our ACO Press Club. Shane Flannigan will join us from CANADA. He is also a former law enforcement office like us either prior government, military, security, first reponders, support of arts and science.Shane Flannigan is an international author, business & life coach & shamanic practitioner as well as a 20-year survivor of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) & it’s related debilitating anxieties all which he suffered from as a result of a violent & traumatic incident that occurred while on duty during his private law enforcement career back in 2003 in Niagara Ontario Canada where he was a pioneer along with his wife Michealynn in the private policing field. Shane speaks very personally and passionately about his journey with PTSD and the various coping skills which saved his life early on during some very dark