Tj Morris Et Radio

Easter Ascension Church Ohana 2021 April 4 Sunday



Ascension Age Awakening Easter 1st Asension Chruch Ohana with Theresa J Morris Ministries, Gulf Breeze, Florida, Pastor Richard T Knight, of Valdosta, Georgia, Pastor Gigi Adams of Atlanta, Georgia. We share celebration iEaster Sprit as our Spiritual Science Divine Cosmos Extraterrestrials. We share synchronicity and serendipidy love, faith, hope, harmony of the gathering of what we all gather for when we find support as celestial, terrestrials, telestial beings. We share as body-mind-spirits as philosophers of work in carbon based units as we share we are sentient intelligent beings as we transition into all levels of sharing in what we can bring to the unconditional love that is all encompassing for those who hope! Hope for those who have known of all our origins, ancient wisdom and our new thought teachings with all of our Ascension Age Brothers and Sisters. We plan together to share our oral books as the "I AM" tells us what to share in each ot us! We welcome each day with knowing we shalll not only survi