Tj Morris Et Radio

UFO Association U.K. Tina Bird Alien Contactee



UFO Association, Alien Contact Organizers, share the U.K. Co-Director for UFO Secret Space Groups in our Facebook Social Media Groups. Tina Bird is a UFO Enthusiast and has spent time as a researcher about life and the paranormal realm, and authors of Ufology and Alienology. She and Theresa J Morris, host of TJ Morris ET Radio are friends in social media. Tina has shared many photos in social media of her life with people in our inner circle of friends such as Erick von Daniken, Travis Walton, Graham Hancock, and been on many radio shows in our Revolution Radio in our Cosmos Radios Connection Family. We share Tina Bird came out in U.K. in 2016 and has shared her story in media such as both tv and radio. Now with our ACO Association, Alien Contact Organization, and UFO Association in our alliance with American Communications Online, ACO Club. Thomas Becker is producer, Amad Painter, Co-Host ACO Club Georgia and Skype Host, Janet Lessin, Co-Host ACO Club Hawaii, and Theresa J Morris, ACO Club Florida.