Tj Morris Et Radio

Mysterious Allies Ken R Johnston Sr, Theresa J Morris Allied Command 2019



We are welcoming so others who know that UFOS are a part of our lives. ET for extraterrestrial and Allied Command Spacecraft. Janet Lessin and Crysana. Various myth changes, archetypes, gnostic, matrix and authors who we allow to write our history. Are we defining solutions in our communcal function. Levels of reality or consciousness or modern myths doing their process of fingin answers to shared problems. Mythology is not well understood at the core level of existence. Abstract reasoning allows our information to form with imagination. Evolutionary comfort and wide disparity must be resolved for our immortality as a species. Becoming involved in our communication skills we share in our ACO Club, Allied Command Organization. We will share many groups implanted here as soul groups that emerged into existence. We are all important and will learn to resolve our differences.