Tj Morris Et Radio

Ira S Pastor, Bioquark, Genie Out of The Bottle - Jan Harzan, Janet and TJ



TJ Morris ET Radio by American Communications Online. Theresa J Morris Host, Janet Lessin, Co-Host, Aquarian Radio, Cosmos Expo, Ira S. Pastor, CEO of Bioquark, Jan Harzan, Executive Director of Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) as Visionaries.  Team Players in 2019 for future Events for the Public. Ancient to New Thought Events. Future  applications of human regeneration. Future  applications  of disease reversion  / cancer reversion.Future  applications  of age-reversal work,Reanimation, Biologic immortality,General pharmaceutical industry issues.(ie. no cures for diseases /suppressing cures? Compassionate user programs? ) We need tolook back a couple years at the honey bee colony collapse that was occurring to see an example of how small interventions can run out of control, etc.Other topics - biologic suspended animation research - bio-hibernation, quantum biology, all tangential topics - UFOS, life after death, military connections and  a special guest to drop by and schedule an interview for next week. We are