Tj Morris Et Radio

ACO Club-ACO Association-Cosmology, Inventions-Soft Disclosure



Dan T. Cooper, Inventor of California visits with TJ Morris ET Radio Supporters  Host Theresa J Thurmond Morris. TJ invited Co-Hosts Ken Johnston and Janet Lessin for a panel discussion on a soft disclosure project. Making your idea real while also discovering LARP with others in radio podcasting in educational entertainment. Are you an Entrepreneur or Inventor? e support a PANEL DISCUSSION on Zero Point Energy - Global Patents - Former Para-Legal  of 20 years retired at 62 years. At 65 years he has patented his idea and Invention.  Cooper explains zerio point energy so uncomplicated that even a sixth grader can understand it. One of his patented inventions in the USA is a magnetic zero point energy switch.Janet Lessin  held the Stargate to the Cosmos  2018 in Albuquerque, NM. We may discuss UFO Secret Space Command.Interplanetary and Intergalaxy ideas in the universe multiverse and omniverse levels. How do we bring our ideas as entrepreneurs into this realm? TJ is  Theresa J Thurmond Morris author, speaker s