Tj Morris Et Radio

Living in the moment? Really? What about tomorrow? Everyone one



     Mankind is running a race hoping they will win. Except not one of them knows what they will really win. They are being giving the idea the future is going to be incredible and on top of that they will be spiritual. Now on that what about spiritual is important? How many people can say what that even means? People talking about 4,5 6 th dimention. Who is telling us that God, aliens or Lucifer? How about someone that had a bad dream.      Dreams are good and bad. What one gets from is usually limited to one's true awareness. If you have fifty dreams a night how many do you think are good? How much information are they really dealing with? In your dream are you in the moment? Maybe you are outside time in your dream space but is what you perceive inside it. That meaning really important to life.    In the programmed idea living in the moment- really means what? Enjoy dinner? Enjoy taking a shower. Or what most men will wish for having sex. How long do you want the moment to last? Forever? any experience w