Tj Morris Et Radio

Living your Truth with or without God.



   People always say " their truth". Try asking them what that really means. Most people cannot say much. if they do it will be the programmed idea of what life is about. You only hear what everyone is told is important. But is it?  How do we  help each other to do what? Save someone from what? How about how you are hear to help the world.  Sadly everything I hear is because of no understanding of God or even a belief of one.. Many have the programmed idea of the perfect God that cares about everyone. Let's start with a simple form of meditation for only a few minutes. Facing your God.  Can you? Are you afraid. I am not talking about meeting your angel or angels.    A child starts connecting with spirit the second soul becomes a live in the body. Just because the baby starts breathing inside the womb doesn't mean soul is there. It stay close to the baby until it is close to birth then it can step inside. Two souls do not occupy the same body one has to stay right outiside the body.     When a child starts h