Tj Morris Et Radio

1 -Opening to the highest level of love, two who taught what spiritual means?



Let's start at the beginning.     Is Love related to being spiritual ? Yes, Can you have one without the other. yes. Who did man learn about being spiritual from? It is not what you think. It is not what everyone says it is.  Just because one says  they are spiritual -doesn't make then spiritual. For one to  be they would have to know - about death, soul, spirit, angels, deiites more then just reading a book about them. They would need actual experience in them.  Oh did I forget the word GOD. Sadly most people do.       I started Wednesday but did not get to far into it. I did bring up many so-called spiritual people. I only say that because the Internet says so. Look up the top five spiritual people on the Internet.    As a child, love is one of the things a child can feel from the start. It grows greater as long as there is no abuse involved. Then a Child starts learning programmed ideas from their parents. When a child come near a person they can feel energy which either make them feel good or it makes