

When we are born, we come with very little information and essential skills to overcome the first stage of our lives, however, with time we start developing new skills and acquire new capabilities. Like responsibility, discipline, respect, and even self-confidence; without realizing it, we learn multiple things since we are children, an example is when we start riding a bicycle, we start with the training wheels, then when we gain confidence we take away one little wheel to gain balance until we end up removing both, and we start with the practice of trial and error, falling and getting up again and again with the perception of the self-confidence that we place in ourselves that we can achieve it until we finally achieve our goal. When we were little, even if no one had mentioned the word self-confidence to us, we were going to work on it because it is a normal instinct, as we saw in the previous example. Not believing in ourselves will lead us to a demotivating and anxiety-filled life, one that can take our