Blending The Family With Tommy Maloney

EP 168 Get a Webcam



Tip number three is to get a webcam. Before we start, I need your help.  Please let others know about the newsletter. If you or someone you know needs coaching, please click here and it will take you to the coaching page. My goal is to get the podcast in the top 100 Apple podcasts, and I can only do this with your help. Please leave a rating and review, share the link to the podcast with your social media followers, and support the podcast's guest. Welcome to episode number 168 and it is a bit of a blast from the past. When I first wrote this book "25 Tips for Divorced Dads" it was at a time when having a webcam was not too common. I was attending a Toastmasters meeting when one of the members asked to talk after the meeting. He knew how I was coaching other dads after divorce. He wanted ideas on how to stay connected with his kids since they lived a couple of states over. I told him to get a webcam for both the kids and himself. This was back in 2009. He liked that idea but he wanted to make sure his form