Power Station

Power Station with Solana Rice



In this moment of national reckoning with racism, important truths are unfolding. For those who resist the reckoning, the truth starts with recognizing that since America’s founding, our leaders, from the White House to Congress, have passed laws to benefit them at the expense of African Americans and other people of color. By enacting segregationist housing policies, excluding Black veterans from the benefits of the GI Bill, and denying mortgage loans in communities of color, the nation’s racial wealth gap was created and persists today. Another truth is that nonprofits carry the weight of redressing these wrongs. And while their solutions have been impactful, in this moment, they are simply not enough. These truths compelled Solana Rice and Jeremie Greer, to take their advocacy for economic justice to the next level. They formed a new nonprofit, Liberation in a Generation, that uplifts the big, ambitious transformational policies that communities are demanding today. Solana talks to Power Station about buil