Power Station

Power Station with Meghan Maury



Nonprofits tackle what lies beneath the economic and social crisis that rocks our nation. They organize, litigate and advocate to undo discriminatory policies based on race, immigration status and sexual orientation. Increasingly, nonprofits, including The National LGBTQ Task Force, are using an intersectional prism to guide their advocacy. Intersectionality, a concept developed by scholar Kimberlee Crenshaw, demonstrates that our identities (socioeconomic, race and gender) intersect in ways that impact how we are viewed, understood and treated. This prism also reveals how privilege and marginalization operate. As Meghan Maury, Policy Director for The Task Force explains, battling discrimination is not enough. LGBTQ people are also over-represented in homeless shelters and the criminal justice and immigration systems. And the Task Force is active on all fronts. Valuing intersectionality is reflected in a staff comprised primarily by people of color, people with disabilities and with lived experiences of homel