Power Station

Power Station with Dr. Brian Smedley



  It is safe to say that we are living in extremely stressful times. The president rules more than governs and his rhetoric and policies reflect and encourage overt acts of racism and sexism. His relentless focus on border walls and deportations have created chaos in immigrant communities. And now we are grappling with COVID-19, a pandemic for which we are unprepared, and which the president framed, calling it the Wuhan virus, in xenophobic terms. The failure to respond quickly to this crisis, raises questions about our health care system, insurance industry, income security for low wage workers, and access to food for children when public schools are closed. This is the environment in which we try to contribute to our communities, stay healthy and whole. But these conditions take a toll on our physical and mental health. This is why the American Psychological Association engages its 118,000 members in advocating for reforms of public policy based in racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia and mor