Systems For Success

23. More Rest Equals More Success



Time is precious in our high speed, high-pressure world. We want to achieve more for ourselves, our families, and maybe for our communities. In order to do so, we need time, and we need to look for ways to maximize that scarce modern commodity: time.   We often try to beat time by spending less time resting. We eke out one more hour of watching a late night show or using social media. We fuel our tired selves with caffeine.   Such a lifestyle, though, hurts us in both the short and long terms. Less rest has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease and decreased longevity. Studies show that losing as little as three hours of sleep in a night can halve the effectiveness of the immune system!   Too little rest affects our minds as well as our bodies. It can result in depression, paranoia, and even hallucinations. What’s more, we become irritable with those we love and work with. We lose focus. Creativity becomes just too big a hill to climb, subtracting from our joy in life and work.   Let’s think about the flip side