Systems For Success

19. The Best System to Shape Society (Socialism or Capitalism?)



Hi Systems for Success Family! Well we just finished the 2018 midterm elections and it seemed there was more focus and more debate generated by these elections than any I remember in many years.  And some of the conversations and debates around this have made me want to address something in this episode that I think is really important to the future of this country.   I had a conversation with one millennial recently who was really frustrated with some of their friends for thinking they could just not vote and still complain about the way things were going…or that other of their friends could vote for politicians and policies that focused on increased government control, taxes and redistribution of wealth and still expect to see the same abundance for their kids as they experienced.  Then there was a public opinion poll from Harvard's Institute of Politics, that came out right before the elections that said likely voters claimed to favor socialism over capitalism by something like five points, and the majorit