Piano Parent Podcast: Helping Teachers, Parents, And Students Get The Most Of Their Piano Lessons.

PPP140: Ten Things You Need to Know about Performance Butterflies



Click here to download this episode. Introductory remarks Listen to the full episode here 1. Why Butterflies? Adrenaline is one way your body works to protect you in a dangerous situation. Part of that protection includes making your heart and lungs work faster and stronger, making your muscles stronger, and helping you think more clearly to you can make quick decisions. The problem is, your brain wants to protect you and kick these things into action if you’re in real danger, say being chased by a bear, or not in real danger, say waiting to play your recital piece. Another group of muscles your brain puts on red alert is your stomach muscles. Since the early 1900s, that constriction of the stomach muscles has been called “butterflies in your stomach”. Maybe 'butterflies' sounds more gentle and calming that hummingbirds or ocean waves. 2. You Care The presence of butterflies shows that you care about this performance and that’s a very good sign. Because you care, you want to do your best. When you have the