

Each year, about this time, music teachers around the world prepare their students for recital.  The question is WHY? I can’t speak for other teachers but I’ll use this post to explain why I think a formal spring recital is important along with more details about the way my studio recitals are conducted. Listen to the full episode here First, the WHY: I believe one of the best reasons for a recital is simply the enjoyment of music.  We often listen to music passively while driving in the car or working on other projects, so to set aside an hour to give our undivided attention to music is a gift, not only for the student, but also for each audience member. In addition to celebrating the beauty of music, a formal spring recital is just that – formal.  It provides an opportunity to reinforce all the manners parents want their children to learn and practice as civilized human beings. Sit still and be quiet while others are performing. Give your full attention to something outside yourself. Encourage the efforts