Hustle & Flow With Heather Hubbard

#152: Personal Branding with Guest Mia LaMotte



Mia LaMotte shares expert advice on today’s podcast about personal branding. As the founder and CEO of LaMotte International, Mia works as a full-service image consulting and personal brand coach. She meets clients ranging from the corporate client to the budding entrepreneur, and her coaching goal is to help others be seen the way they want to be seen. Mia strategically helps her clients portray their story by what they wear, how they communicate and how they show up each day. What you’ll learn in today’s episode: - Mia’s background and how it attributed to her business success today - Variance in focus and goals when working with clients from corporations vs. entrepreneurs - Rules of image do exist and impact us all - DNA’s role in personal branding - Difference between personal branding and image - Learn what Mia believes is the #1 block for people who want to focus on their personal branding - Setting daily practices could be the beginning of your personal brand - Visualizations and the effect on being ab