Hustle & Flow With Heather Hubbard

#147: Sticking With Your Goals & Plans



New Year’s resolutions aren’t always easy to keep, and statistics tell us that most people aren’t actually able to stick with them. Now that we are two weeks into January, it’s the perfect opportunity to check-in and see where you are with your New Year’s goals. Listen to this episode to learn where most people fail to keep up with their New Year’s goals and learn how you can be more effective in keeping them. What we cover in this episode: • How New Year’s goal setting is related to changing habits • Why consistency is the key to successfully sticking with your goals and plans for the new year • How developing good habits around planning your goals will lead to a greater possibility of success in sticking with those goals • Learn how your goals should be more action-oriented rather than super specific • How to troubleshoot when you are having a hard time hitting your goals • Learn how affirmations just might be the ticket to your New Year’s goal setting success Want to work with me next year? If you missed a