Hustle & Flow With Heather Hubbard

#142: The Joy is in the Journey (opening keynote from LIVE)



Join me as I kick off Life & Law LIVE in Miami with women representing 26 different states and 2 countries. I dive into the challenges we all face as we quickly approach the new year. We are hard wired to make change in our lives, yet many of us are so consumed with the end-goal of change that we forget to enjoy the journey. You may wonder why you can’t be satisfied with what you already have. You may want change to create more balance in your life or to find more adventures or maybe it is an opportunity for more success that you are looking for. Whatever it is, you want more. Join me as I help my listeners understand exactly what you want and why. What is pushing you to want more and what is your end-goal? And, more importantly, are you enjoying the journey to the change along the way? We have officially opened registration for our two-day live event next year, happening November 12th and 13th in San Diego! This event will be for anyone preparing for 2021, not just lawyers (and yes, it’s open to men too)