Fizzle Like A Flood

Volume XXV: Helium



Sorry February passed with no new episode! But this one more than makes up for it with great music, terrific silliness and BETTER SOUND thanks to the Zoom recorder Doug bought! Please forgive him - he's still learning how sensitive the mics are. (A new wind screen has been procured that looks like Don King's hair, so hopefully there will be less wind pops in the future.) Enjoy! Contents: - Elisabeth hates on nacho cheese Doritos - Trilety and Juan bust into the poop emoji balloon Megan and Doug got Juan for his birthday. - Megan's first circus! The tigers we NOT very exciting, as Abram notes. - Ben Fold playing 'You Don't Know Me' live with the Omaha symphony. Sorry about my singing ha - Smashing ice at the Curvy Cottage on Super Bowl Sunday - Testing the googly eyes on the Zoom (FAIL) - Wayne's albino story - Doug and Megan trek North on a strange nostalgic journey - The Bishops playing a song by The Specials (Doug thinks) at the Barley Street Tavern - Pet Sounds in the snow! - A big compilation of recording