Fizzle Like A Flood

Volume XXIV: Slim Fit, Boot Cut



It's Fizzle Like a Flood's 1st birthday! Lots of Doug's friends called with well wishes and Doug traveled to Florida again for New Year Eve. Thank you to everyone who has listened to this incredibly uncool podcast this year. :) Contents: - Simon calls to say hi and mess with Doug - The old promo for FLAF. I'm not sure it actually ever aired anywhere. - A message from Elisabeth  - Trilety and Juan reporting in about a cat paw toy they found at Walgreens - Matt Whipkey and band live at the Waiting Room in December 2016 - Doug knows this guy! - Adding oil to Megan's car. Megan zings a zinger! - A lovely message from nephew Elliott - Karen's Spanish message (an excerpt) - Three recordings from Christmas 2016  - A rocking message from Lewis, Doug's old skate pal - Megan and Suzie show off Suzie's new toy - FloriDoug version 2.0 - GIANT COMPILATION OF STUFF DOUG RECORDED IN FLORIDA - Hobowreck Demotime: An interesting demo version of 'Every Little Thing She Does is Magic'